A good friend of mine from home also contacted me about the fair (it's a small world isn't it) and asked if I'd be interested in contributing a poem for the zine he's making (see below). Check him out here, he's a lovely young chap.
Anyway here's the poem I sent him, it's a response to the overall theme of the fair (MADE), something simple that I've been thinking about for a while now, so it was nice to have the chance to get it down on paper.
Medicine Ball
Concentric lines and breaks
circumvent the heavy core -
hiding like meaning in language,
under crusted leather.
I can't work out the purpose -
edges of a hardback book
I'll never open, browned
with salt and finger tips;
I want to break it open,
the pieces, like broken clichés,
everywhere; but then, standing
in the wreck, message exposed,
perhaps it was construction
that made this beautiful.