Two weeks ago, we took a little road trip to Wellington College in Berkshire to run a zine workshop as part of their end of year ArtsFest, the brainchild of the fantastic Paul of Meat Pie Promotions. We applied the usual formula of cutting + sticking x drawing = collage and hooked up with the rad Print Club London, who were live screenprinting the covers with the students.
Despite having a hard time drawing in the apathetic lads, a number of girls got stuck in with the zine-making and printed their own covers. Below are the fruits of our collaboration, photocopied and stapled on site, then given back to the makers as a present. We're going to start building a library of this type of zine from all of our events, and I think we're going to be seeing a lot more of the Print Club guys, too.
If you fancy having a closer look, we're giving you a FREE PDF of the entire zine. Just hit the link and feast your eyes.
More photos from the event to follow, including Tubelord rocking out to three teachers and dog.