It is often noted that there are very few platforms for up-and-coming writers to publish their work, the majority of publishing houses focusing on those already published – the question often being how can one begin to publish work if you must already be published first? As of late there has been a resurgence in independent presses attempting to address this imbalance (well documented by Cambridge Varsity here) of which we at Clinic are proud to be considered a part.
In the wake of this rise in DIY and independent publishing comes the venture of Camberwell Graphic Design student Helen Randall,the brand new publishing house Tumble Press, who have just opened a call for short stories and poems to be submitted for their first anthology, Young and Restless.
The anthology looks set to be a beautiful hardback book, leather-bound with different papers and printing styles throughout, including sporadic vellum sections with segments of text/colour creating a supplementary narrative in the book's very form. The book's focus though is primarily on the texts within, featuring only a few, simple illustrations throughout so as not to impact or impose visuals upon the writing.
Each featured contributor will receive a copy of the final publication and should the publishing press ever make a profit each featured writer will also receive a percentage of the profits from sales.
Click the image to read/see more about the anthology
Submission guidelines: There are no thematic requirements or limitations for submissions and work does not necessarily have to be new. Please send a pdf or basic e-mail text version of your story/poem, formatted as you would like it to appear, to with the subject line: Submission. Please also include a mini bio, contact and website/blog details for inclusion in the contributors page.
Make sure to send something off for this exciting new venture, it's going to be an amazing book and we'll definitely be sending some work from the Clinic camp.