Our man over at Timblography is having his final degree show from the 18th-20th of June, along with some other fine photographers graduating this year, at The Pigeon Wing over in Bermondsey (a space that I am eternally jealous of). For those cheeky vixens in the know, here's the full list of exhibitors:
Mohammed Al Saif (LB/USA), Meeshka Bernabe (USA), Ella Boynton (UK), Sean Denereaz (UK), Tim Goodman (UK), Todd Hooper (UK), Kieran Jessel (FR/IE), Benjamin Mallek (AT), Alexandra Seigle (FR), Rosie Vas (UK) and Becky Williams (UK).
Here's some spiel about the exhibition from the group themselves:
"Within this international group, many overlapping fields of interest are to be found. Without losing each individual’s signature, one recurring thematic is the urban landscape and its inhabitants. By investigating its architecture, focusing on its minute details and forgotten elements, one becomes aware of the significance of these areas in connection to our personal experience of the urban environ. Other members of this group are interested in portraiture, showing their subjects either in their personal setting or within public spaces. Introduced to the portrayed persona through their environment, the viewer becomes aware of the way in which the other is revealed and how we read ones personality through their surroundings. Collectively, the diverse approaches to photographic practice on display capture a sense of contemporaneous looking at the world through the varied prevailing notions of gender, declination and the psycho-geographical landscape."
Check their blog for a sneak peak at their work then head on over to the facebook group, click attending, and get your butts down to The Pigeon Wing for the finest photography coming out of Goldsmiths this year.