
Save the Freebutt.

Our good friends down at the Freebutt in Brighton, where we both read as part of Tall Ships' EP launch in February, and held our Aztec Mask-making workshop last month, are facing closure from the council. If this were to happen, it would be a great shame to lose the finest small venue in the South East. The team are working their hardest to prevent this, but they still need our support. Please read the following statement from the manager and then sign their petition. A couple of clicks could save this haven.

"Due to noise issues in our surrounding area, The Freebutt is under threat from possible action from Brighton & Hove Council and Environmental Health that could make it impossible for us to have live bands play here; effectively closing the venue. If this happens then Brighton will lose one its longest running and most iconic venues, as well as causing the loss of jobs for The Freebutt staff.

If you want independent music to stay strong in Brighton please support us by signing a petition to Brighton & Hove Council stressing the importance of The Freebutt to Brighton and the music scene, and why it should be aloud to stay open and solve it's noise problems.

Please go to:http://savethefreebutt.blogspot.com/ for full information on The Freebutt's situation.

Please go to:
http://www.gopetition.com/petitions/save-the-freebutt.html to sign the online petition."

Enjoy our memories of the Freebutt, and act now to make sure they aren't the last.