

Yeah we got sponsored!  By Cherry Coke!! 

No not really. But as of today we are officially sold out of our first publication. We waved the last one off with a tear and a wave early this evening; they've gotta fly the nest sometime I suppose. They may still have some over at Hard Workers Club, and there may be a couple at Rough Trade if anyone's super eager to have one, but don't order any from us because we're totally dry of clinic books over here.

Apologies if you missed this one, however, there are a number of places you can still read it, If you're at the Poetry Library you can glimpse us alongside the fantastic selection of zines and publications they have in their magazine rack. We also slipped a copy in the book section downstairs at the Poetry Cafe, sneaky.

Thanks to all who snapped one up! Our second anthology is due out early next year. There'll be more poets, artists and photographs, and there will also be a higher print run. Until then, you can submit to us at clinicpresents@gmail.com.